söndag 18 april 2010

The world cup in South Africa!

Ladies and Gentlemen!

I am back on track once again.

It has been a while since I wrote my last contribution on this forum. The long and cold winter has obviously had a negative impact on my writing capacity. I hope that the winter is over for this time. I actually enjoyed the snow but I do not look forward to spending next winter in Sweden. I hope to be elsewhere on the planet if the Islandic volcano has settled down until then :-).

I am gonna be flying to South Africa for the world cup on the 29th of june and gonna watch the final between Cameroon and Ivory Coast in Johannesburg on the 11 th of july!!!
I have got the ticket for the increadble match. First lady is gonna be there too.

Everybody is telling me how dangerous it is in South Africa with 50 peole killed on average per day. It is a scary statistic but if my destiny is to be killed there, let it be. I am not afraid of fear, I am only afraid of my own shadow. You have to take normal caution wherever you are and I am sure that the security situation will improve during the world cup as South Africa would not like to draw itself into an embarassing advertisment of homicides and robberies.

These days are therefore exciting ones when you are waiting for the real spring and summer to arrive and most of all the world cup atmosphere to engulf every nation across the world. Football is the only uniting factor in the so called global age when fragmentation along ethnicity and religion is the order of the day. Thanks GOD that the ball is still round!!!May Humania Win!!!