I am reading a book called Negrophilia-Avant-Garde Paris and Black Culture in the 1920s by Petrine Archer-Straw. "Negrophilia" , from the french négrophilie, means a love for black culture.The writer analyzes the development of negrophilia craze from an era of traditional stereotyping of blacks in the nineteenth century to one of modern images influenced by African sculpture and contemporary African American culture.
The fetishism and stereotyping towards black people has been around for centuries and is still maintained in one way or another. Understanding the historical roots and background of the prejudices and all forms of racism paves the way for an approach that would put the issue at the center from the victims perspective.
The historical injustice towards coloured people is of a paramount significance just to be left for historians and privileged elites. Blacks and the African continent are often portrayed as a single entity despite all the access people have in the so called global age.
The constant association of blacks with music and other emotional expressions need to be taken with a pinch of salt. The very origin of racial hierarchy and the maintenance of it calls for a rational and plausible debate that encourages a humanitarian and holistic view of the world. There is after all only a human race, nothing less , nothing more. Colours are just the manifestations of humanity in its hybrid form. I am therefore against Negrophilia and romanticizing of black culture by white folks. Negrophilia is not a benovolent attitude towards blacks. I would say to the contrary , it could be malevolent despite the positive intentions.