The spirit of Pan-Africanism right now is probably on the same level as in the 1960´s. There are some reasons for this development. The nation-state project which basically is the creation of europeans has failed. State fragmentations and ethnical strifes have been experienced in many parts of the African continent from south Sudan in the east to Casmance in Senegal and Timbukti in Mali in the west, from Namibia in the south to Western sahara in the North for the last 50 years.
The scramble for Africa has taken a different shape at this moment but the mechanisms for the exploitation of the continent remain the same even if the actors are different this time around.Globalization is not something new for "Africa" which never "joined" the rest of the world on its own conditions and premises. The continent was rather annexed into the rest of the planet under the banner of the Gun. The gun still speaks amidst beautiful speeches of peacefull living and cooperation across all sorts of ethnical, religious and mental borders.
Reality speaks for itself and Africans are yet the most discriminated and wretched folks on earth. Our strength is our unity!Victimization or victimhood has never been our trademark but telling the truth does not mean that we are digging ourselves too much in the past. It is rather part and parcel of our endeavours to pave the way for the future. Marcus Garvey said it all: a man without history is just like a tree without roots. One can forgive but not forget, the south Africans say. Many youngsters are Canoning themselves these days like Frantz Fanon did during his time.
This is indeed a very good news for humanity. Every generation has a responsibility for the world we are living in. Focusing on what we want and not on what we do not want, gives us a list of priorities to put our energies on. The secret for any success is knowing where to focus and to have the dedication/motivation and will to realize your own potentials. "Energy flows where attention goes!The universe is as a cathalogue".
The mind of humanity is always ready to embark on new projects.
"All power is from within and is therefore under our own control!" We are currently the designers and authors and drivers of our own destinies. We can impact the outcome out of the choices we make from the mundane of everyday life to the complex issues of being a human. The socio-economic and political unity and integration of the African continent is the most important issue of all times. We can only get out of the quagmire once we focus on the things that unite us rather than split us.
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