fredag 24 juli 2009

My life is a never-ending journey without children!

This summer of 2009 in Sweden has been rainy as usual....The spring was promising but to no avail. I believe that it has to do with the credit crunch once again :-)

God is angry! He has got to pee all day and night long.He is stressed by the muslims, christians,jewish, buddhists,sikhs, satanists,tourialists.e.t.c. Let him urinate to hell!

I am still undecided about the future concerning where to live and what to do. The only thing that I currenty feel certain about is that I do not want to live in Babylon and die as a bitter man in here.

I tried to work with homeless people in Malmö a couple of times this summer but never enjoyed it. It is good to know what you want to get out of life but a work that I do not like is not worth investing on. I have some other options now and hope that one of them shall work out. I should be doing something somewhere in Africa or Latin America this fall. Europe is actually the third choice.

Life is too short to be spent in Sweden for good. The never-ending journey continues and I have been to Berlin, Prag, Bratislava and Vienna since I came back from south America in april.

I will turn 38 in september but am not yearning for a bright future with kids in a big house somewhere as yet. It may sound strange but it seems that I have made up my mind not to have children (unconsciously or consciously for some reasons).

I may change my mind in the near future but this is the way I feel right now. Some say that Life is empty and meaningless without kids, I say:not inevitably!This is it!

1 kommentar:

Ato Sebnat sa...

Du är en resande Duriee