lördag 8 november 2008

Do n't you forget the days of slavery!

" Do you remember the days of Slavery?" chants Burning Spear. It does not matter how much sympatatic and humble a white person could be.....he/she will never understand how it is to be black in a white man's world. Some feminist women would like to draw some similarities between the struggle for women's right and the black liberation.

There are of course somethings that we have in common but I am not sure that the resemblances are sufficient. The aspect of being a property for the white man and a commodity to be sold and exchanged is our mutual reality even in this so called global age and modern world.

I do not want to say more......just read the following Advertisement for the sale of slaves taken from Mabel Morsbach's book-The Negro American Life:


Hewlett & Bright

Sale of



(on account of departure)

The Owner of the following named and valuable Slaves, being on the eve of departure for Europe, will cause the same to be offered for sale, at the NEW EXCHANGE, corner of St. Louis and Chartres streets, on Saturday, may 16, at Twelve o'Clock, viz.

1. SARAH, a mulatress, aged 45 years, a good cook and accustomed to house work in general, is an excellent and faithful nurse for sick persons, and in every respect a first rate character.

2. DENNIS, her son, a mulatto, aged 24 years, a first rate cook and steward for a vessel, having been in the capacity for many years on board one of the Mobile packets; is strictly honest, temperate, and a first rate subject.

3. CHOLE, a mulatress, aged 36 years, she is, without exception, one of the most competent servants in the country, a first rate washer and ironer, does up lace, a good cook, and for a bachelor who wishes a house-keeper she would be invaluable; she is also a good ladies' maid, having travelled to the North in that capacity.

4. FANNY, her daughter, a mulatress, aged 16 years, speaks French and English, is a superior hair-dresser, (pupil of Guilliac,) a good seamstress and ladies' maid, is smart, intelligent, and a first rate character.

5. DANDRIDGE, a mulatoo, aged 26 years, a first rate dining-room servant, a good painter and rough carpenter, and has but few equals for honesty and sobriety.

6. NANCY, his wife, aged about 24 years, a confidential house servant, good seamstress, mantumaker and tailoress, a good cook, washer and ironer, etc.

7. MARY ANN, her child, a creole, aged 7 years, speaks French and English, is smart, active and intelligent.

8. FANNY or FRANCES, a mulatress, aged 22 years, is a first rate washer and ironer, good cook and house servant, and has an excellent character.

9. EMMA, an orphan, aged 10 or 11 years, speaks French and English, has been in the country 7 years, has been accustomed to waiting on table, sewing etc. ; is intelligent and active.

10. FRANK, a mulatto, aged about 32 years speaks French and English, is a first rate hostler and coachman, understands perfectly the management of horses, and is, in every respect, a first rate character, with the exception that he will occasionally drink, though not an habitual drunkard.

All the above named Slaves are acclimated and excellent subjects; they were purchased by their present vendor many years ago, and will, therefore, be severally warranted against all vices and maladies prescribed by law, save and except FRANK, who is fully guaranteed in every other respect but the one above mentioned.

TERMS:---one-half Cash, and the other half in notes at Six months, drawn and endorsed to the satisfactions of the Vendor, with special mortgage on the Slaves until final payment. The Acts of Sale to be passed before WILLIAM BOSWELL, Notary Public, at the expense of the Purchaser.

NEW-Orleans, May 13, 1835.

Printed By Benjamin Levy.

5 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

I'm not responsible for 500 years of history, but for getting justice now.

Anonym sa...

Concerning the similarities between the struggle for women's right and the black liberation: the trade and slavery of women is still growing strong.. http://www2.amnesty.se/ap.nsf/reportage/0DD5BBFE8D054F62C1256A29005ADD80?opendocument

Anonym sa...

What do you do to get justice now......?

It is a well-known quotaion by Frantz Fannon but I shall always take it with a pinch of salt when these words come from colourless people.

I know that you do not mean anything negative and you are a good-hearted person but the same words are being used by right-wing extremists and other rascists.

Why is it difficult for whites to admit that they have benefited from slavery and colonialism...and are still enriching themselves?

They usually say....I am not a rascist and do not consider my self first and foremost as white but just a human being.....blaho,blaho....bullshitting.

White privlage and supremacy is our greatest problem on this planet.

The human race has suffered a lot because of Europe.

There will never be equality among people of all sorts unless we can discuss these issues openly and envisage some measures. Race matters and is an issue even now.

Class and economic injustice is not always the decisive factor for one's destiny.

Peter Tosh has said it: I do not want no peace...what I want is equal rights and justice. NOW! By any means necessary......as Malcolm X said it.

Anonym sa...

End of discussion.
I don't deserve this.

Anonym sa...

Internal discussions mixed with politics isn't always the best combination. However, since everything is politics, it's sometimes unavoidable.