It is high time to call a spade......a spade.
To "
call a spade a spade" is a
figure of speech which explicitly calls out something as it is, by its right name. The implication is not to
lie about what something is and instead to speak
and directly about a topic, specifically topics that others may avoid
speaking about due to their sensitivity or the unpleasant or
embarrassing nature of the subject.
Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (1913) defines it as:
To be outspoken, blunt, even to the point of rudeness; to call things by their proper names without any "beating about the bush".
Migration is one the most sensitive subjects that Swedes would normally avoid to talk about at workplaces or public forums. The current influx of refugees to Europe has not as a matter of fact reached its highest or biblical level as yet. Thousands of migrants here and there through out Europe would not even make 1 % of the total population in the continent. People are good in talking about the positive implications of globalization but when it comes to welcoming refugees, few are ready to leave their comfort zones and accomodate the new reality.
Germany and Sweden are urging us to believe that they are taking the bulk of the burden and responsibility. These two countries are of course calculating on future gains as the demographic imbalance would otherwise have jeoparidized their welfare state without refugees. Young educated or miseducated/uneducated migrants would be helping the economy of host nations in the long run despite temorary setbacks and hurdles in the short term. Integration and multiculturalism demand a democratical process that paves the way for equal rights and opportunity for all at some point. This takes time.
Many of us know why Syrians, Iraqis, Somalis, Afghanis....etc, flee from their home countries or the neighbouring ones but how about ERITREANS? I am of Eritrean origin who has lived in Babylone for a quarter of a century but have never seen so many Eritreans in Sweden as now.
How come? What are the push factors away from Eritrea and pull factors to Europe? I am well informed about the current state of matters in Eritrea and I used to live there between 2012-2013. Nothing new has occured in the country which means: no new war, no new conflict or no new form of more brutality of the dictatorship than earlier. Things are as usual with the country being in a war footage because of the border tension with neighbouring Ethiopia and almost everybody over the age of 18 is armed and is in uniform since 1998.
One of the push factors is the lack of vision and the absence a bright future in combination with the open-ended military and national service. The violation of human rights, the lack of socio-economic and democratic political progress have also forced Eritreans to leave the land before but not as the current magnitude.
All Eritreans of course DO NOT come directly from Eritrea and seek asylum in Europe. Many used to leave in Ethiopia, Sudan, Libya, the middle east, even Italy, etc. ONE OF THE MAIN pull factors FOR THEM to risk their lives is: the promise from Europe that they would be allowed to stay here on a permanent basis if they only could make it here by hook or crook.
They therefore risk their lives to get here because they know that once they make it here, they are guaranteed a residence permit. The turbulent and traumatic journey would not be in vain even if the Europe they encounter is cold, dismissive and critical of them being here. No job opportunities, no housing , no social life for many. Some question why thay have come here as their dreams have become like nightmares with increasing xenophobia and racism facing them on a daily bases.
Migration should not and can not be the ultimate solution for all our woes, predicaments, stagnations and quagmires. The Eritrean leadership should bear its share of responsibility for leading the country to the current situation of hopelessness. Eretrean leadership has failed us. Period. We should stop the blame game on the conflict with Ethiopia or the USA.
The push and pull factors for migration are interconnected. I understand all refugees who want to start a new life elsewhere and I do not have any moral upper hand to question the quest for freedom that all human beings strive for. I just feel sad for all the children and teenagers who die or are uprooted without even being slightly guilty of status quo anywhere in the world.
Almost 25 years as an independent country, Eritrea, should have been in a much better position but as it stands now, we should let reality to speak for itself. where are we as a nation? We have become a nation without a clear and fullfilling destination.
Europe and the USA owe us a lot and ending up at their dorrsteps and knocking on their gates might force them to rethink and compell them to pay back for the damages they have inflicted on humanity in general and the African continent in particular. Reparation for slavery and colonialism is therefore a must. And we want justice now.